这一句最长的英语句子出自美国著名作家乔伊du斯(James Joyce)的名著《尤利西斯》(Ulysses)。这本书英文版的第十八章全章只有两个标点符号,在第四句和第八句结尾的句号。如果按八句算,那么最长的句子有4391个词。如果按两句算,那么最长的句子有12931个词。
In the event that the Purchaser defaults in the payment of any installment of purchase price, taxes, insurance, interest, or the annual charge described elsewhere herein, or shall default in the performance of any other obligations set forth in this Contract, the Seller may: at his option: (a) Declare immediately due and payable the entire unpaid balance of purchase price, with accrued interest, taxes and annual charge, and demand full payment thereof, and enforce conveyance of the land by termination of the contract or according to the terms hereof, in which case the Purchaser shall also be liable to the Seller for reasonable attorney’s fees for services rendered by any attorney on behalf of the Seller, or (b) sell said land and premises or any part thereof at public auction, in such manner, at such time and place, upon such terms and conditions, and upon such public notice as the Seller may deem best for the interest of all concerned, consisting of advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation in the county or city in which the security property is located at least once a week for Three successive weeks of for such period as applicable law may require and, in case of default of any purchase, to re-sell with such postponement of sale or resale and upon such public notice thereof as the Seller may determine, and upon compliance by the Purchaser with the terms of sale, and upon judicial approval as may be required by law, convey said land and premises in fee simple to and at the cost of the Purchaser, who shall not be liable to see to the application of the purchase money; and from the proceeds of the sale: FIRST, to pay all proper costs and charges, including but not limited to court costs, advertising expenses, auctioneer’a allowance, the expenses, if any required to correct an irregularity in the title, premium for Seller’s bond, auditor’s fee, and all other expense of sale occurred in and about the protection and execution of this contract, and all moneys advanced for taxes, assessment, insurance, and with interest thereon as provided herein, and all taxes due upon said land and premises at time of sale, and to retain as compensation a commission of five percent (5%) on the amount of said sale or said sales; SECOND, to pay the whole amount then remaining unpaid of the principal of said contract, and interest thereon to date of payment, whether the same shall be due or not, it being understood and agreed that upon such sale before maturity of the contract the balance thereof shall be immediately due and payable; THIRD, to pay liens f record against the security property according to there priority of lien and to the extent that funds remaining in the hands of the Seller are available; and LAST, to pay the remainder of said proceeds, if any , to the vendor, his heirs, personals representatives, successors of assigns upon the delivery and surrender to the vendee of possession of the land and premises, less costs and excess of obtaining possession……
盘点世界上最名贵的木材排名:黄花梨上榜 第二需百年长成
盘点世界上最名贵的木材排名分别是海南黄花梨、紫檀木、红酸枝、乌木、黑酸枝、黄杨木。其中海南黄花梨是最名贵的一种木材,如果是直径为26厘米的海南黄花梨原木,那么价格大多可达每斤1.8万元左右,而最贵的一根甚至拍卖出了4256万元的天价。盘点世界上最名贵的木材排名1.海南黄花梨我要新鲜事2023-05-12 15:51:190000婴儿死亡率最低的十个国家 芬兰排第四,第一怎么也想不到
导语:一岁及以下儿童的死亡人数相比同出生人数的比率称之为婴儿死亡率,这种死亡是由于早产、新生儿感染、肺炎和疟疾等因素造成的。婴儿死亡率最低的十个国家分别是日本,冰岛,新加坡,芬兰,爱沙尼亚,斯洛文尼亚,塞浦路斯,白俄罗斯,韩国,挪威,之前小编为大家讲解过新生儿护理十大基本常识,感兴趣的不妨跟着探秘志一起往下看!婴儿死亡率最低的十个国家我要新鲜事2023-05-09 15:54:350003世界上最早看见太阳的地方 为什么汤加是最早看见日出的
世界上最早看见太阳的地方是汤加。该地因为紧挨着日界线西侧,所以它也是第一个迎接太阳来临的地方,因此汤加还有着“日出王国”的美丽称号。都说一天中最美丽的时刻就是早晨,那么,作为最早迎接日出的国家,必定有它独到的魅力。一、汤加介绍我要新鲜事2023-05-12 03:42:020001世界上最美的瀑布,曾出现在王家卫电影中(仿若幻境)
在南美洲,巴西与阿根廷的边界之上,有一座马蹄形瀑布,被誉为世界上最美的瀑布。世界上最美的瀑布它的名字是伊瓜苏大瀑布,“伊瓜苏”,在印第安人的语言中,就是“伟大的水”的意思。在上世纪八十年代,这座瀑布被列为世界自然遗产。伊瓜苏大瀑布宽约四千米,是世界上最宽的瀑布,高约82米,平均落差也高达75米,相当于数层楼的高度。如此规模宏大的瀑布,可谓浩浩荡荡、气势磅礴。我要新鲜事2023-03-01 21:59:380000世界上最长的桥,中国丹昆特大桥165公里(世界第一长桥)
如今人们各方面的发展都是飞速的,所以中国建筑上也是丝毫没有落后。近年来中国林立的高楼大厦真是层出穷,关于桥梁的也是一座接着一座,那么你知道世界上最长的桥是哪一座吗?没错,就是位于中国的丹昆特大桥,据说全程长达165公里,一眼都看不到尽头。一、世界上最长的桥,中国丹昆特大桥165公里我要新鲜事2023-05-08 08:18:390003